Rittenhouse Square
Rittenhouse House Square park related news.
The 2023 Rittenhouse Ball On The Square Is Just 30(ish) Days Away
Invites went out but there’s still time to get a gown attend the annual gala on September 28th. The Friends of Rittenhouse Square is an association that…
“Rocky vs Tornado.” Monday’s Storm Damage
Or as one Redditor put it, “Glad to see new traffic calming measures installed.” Monday’s tornado, i.e., storm came quickly, conquered trees, and left a tribute to…
Philly Bloggers We Heart: lovephillywalks
If you’re looking to brighten your newsfeed with beautiful photos of trinities with curb appeal, lush alleyways, and more, then Lovephillywalks is worth the follow. There are…