Real Estate

Throwback Thursday: See What The Bellevue Looked Like in 1907

Redditor Slow Moving Sloth shared this vintage photo showing Broad Street from Locust.

There are a lot of cities who look radically different in just a few years. However, one of Philly’s best traits is its love of the beautiful architecture (for the most part). This lovely photo of Broad Street North from Locust helps that argument although those brownstones selling chocolates, and offering offices plus rooms for rent are gone.

via Slow-Moving-Sloth

Fun fact about the Bellevue from a commenter: apparently during the 40s and 50s “the classic architecture and rich decorative details of the hotel were thought to be overpowering, anachronistic and even offensive.” Boy, have times changed.

The only thing I personally find offensive about The Bellevue now is that the renovation is taking FOREVER.

See the thread for other interesting observations.