Bleri’s Beanery Cafe Is Going To Save Your Mornings, As It Slides Into The Recently Vacated OCF Coffee Shop On South Street
This is welcome news in a neighborhood mourning the closure of OCF Coffee.
Courtesy of walking_philly (thank you!) we have some news to share about what’s going into the OCF Coffee House on South Street: apparently it’ll be a new coffee shop (yay!) called Bleri’s Beanery Cafe. Yay because not only does coffee fuels our rambles but this is a neighborhood that loves its coffee shops.

We can’t find any digital footprint for who it is – the name was just trademarked last month by a company specializing in helping retail shops go to market, so if you know anything just let us know! As you can see from the below photo they are actively working on the space – in this case, it looks like they’re painting the walls.

Having a coffee shop on South Street has always been nice, in our opinion and it’s a big space where you’d always find people meeting over coffee or working on their laptop.

We and/or fellow Rambler walking_philly will keep you posted on any new developments!