
One Year Later, Vetri’s Pizzeria Salvy Continues To Prove It Belongs Among The Best, With An Events Space To Boot

Pizzeria Salvy proves that if you build it they will come, bringing their friends and family.

What a difference a year makes.

When Pizzeria Salvy opened up last year in the Comcast Center Campus building, aka the tower with the sexy Four Seasons Hotel, Vernick Coffee, and Vernick Fish, people were a bit surprised. They were thrilled that Marc Vetri was once again applying his talent to create luscious pizza. They weren’t necessarily happy about the location in the lower level of the “other” Comcast building on 18th Street and Arch, calling it out of the way.

The bar

A year later there is more foot traffic than ever, and more people back in offices. And a year later, Pizzeria Salvy is still drawing people in – and rightfully so, judging by the people and stories shared at an intimate event to celebrate their 1st anniversary.

Featured: Sal, Vetri’s dad, after whom the restaurant is dedicated to.
Sal & Marc

The pizzeria is in a unique space – it’s the only restaurant downstairs, kind of like a secret for foodies. There are two office/work rooms that are used by Jeff Leatham‘s teams. Jeff is the brilliant florist whose art adorns the halls of The Four Seasons, and his team assembles each jaw-dropping creation in those spaces – there are even signs that say “no peaking.”

According to the team, they’ve thrown numerous events for people who like to have a blank canvas to make their own, without having to worry about the details as the team takes good care of them.

Mr. Hollywood DJ shows off his well-honed craft.

Every place Vetri has opened has been unique and special. They have always been about convening people around food, welcoming them with warmth, and treating them well. There’s something super special about Pizzeria Salvy in that regard, and the fact that it’s paying homage to his father with personal and thoughtful touches throughout the space just deepens that feeling.

Cookbooks about the art of pizza making.
Cookbooks adorn some of the walls, along with a knitted pizza slice.

The coal-fired pizzas remain the star, made with simple and great ingredients, that make for an absolutely delicious experience.

Pizzeria Salvy introduced cocktails, wine, and beer once they introduced later hours. Pictured: the Tommaso Collino which was bright and refreshing; the rosemary, in particular, smelled delightful with every sip.

A crowd turned out to fete the Pizzeria Salvy team who actually spent the time working, like the

With his pedigree, Vetri could have put a restaurant anywhere. But he put it here because he loves the neighborhood, and wanted to give people who may have not had the opportunity to visit any of his other restaurants, a chance to experience first-hand what makes his food so special.

The Pizzeria Salvy Team

It’s been inspiring to see how much Pizzeria Vetri has grown in its first year, and how it’s branched out to become a special events space where people can gather with their families, in a space that is dedicated to a beloved father. Saluti to the team – they have done an incredible job.

You can see their menus and make a reservation here, and be sure to follow them on social for updates!

📍1800 Arch Street